Hacker logo
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Fir3d0g logo

Year: 2019

Client: @Fir3d0g

Industry: Information Security

Project: David Boyd, aka @Fir3d0g, is an information security consultant at TrustedSec, the cybersecurity firm run by Dave Kennedy (@HackingDave). An Army veteran, David acquired the nickname “FireDog” while in the service. He continues to use that handle when speaking to audiences of aspiring hackers at conferences such as DEF CON and DerbyCon (RIP), on Twitch, and on YouTube. I designed his logo as if he was a one-man pro sports team. I mean, hacking is kind of a sport, right?

Contribution: Logo concept and design.


For brand cohesion and consistency of use, all logos by Hotiron Creative ship with vector art, versions for light and dark backgrounds, single-color versions, alternate layouts (if applicable), as well as color codes for print and screen.
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